It's remarkable the life that a song can have as it lives on in your memory. Two Crooked Fingers songs will forever live on in my heart and head as the saddest and most effective songs that I have ever heard. There's nothing that will ever change that. But somehow the songs that could evoke tears before the first chorus are now two of the songs that I love more than any other. I feel no need to listen to them, nor do I anticipate putting that 7" back on regular rotation. With that said, I am able to glean lines of the songs that can pertain to the way things have been going and the positive direction that they have been heading in.
Scratching a negative is such a raw & vulgar way to get a point across, it makes the message of this image seem much grittier than it is. It is my attempt to convey my undeniable desire to cast off the past that I have lived and no longer be content with "enough". I have found my "much better than enough". There's no more time to sleep all summer. I have spent 24 years sleeping through summers. No more of that for us. We have found our calling, it washed ashore in just the nick of time; we each picked it up and now hold it in our hands.